Thunk3D Calibration

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Javier Odom
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Thunk3D Calibration

Post by Javier Odom »

Calibration is very easy to do with the Thunk3D jewelry scanner.
  1. Click the Calibrate button, or the dot grid icon, on the top right of the Jewel3D v2.0 software.
  2. Put the calibration plate on the machine.
  3. It says to adjust the lightness, but I just set the height to the maximum, and the lightness to the far left, or the brightest settings.  If you leave it alone for a moment after doing this, the bottom left preview screen will update to all green plus signs.
  4. Click the checkmark button to proceed.
  5. The software says Calibrating, XHCV-CB5MM, Calibrating axis, then this time around it displays, "Result accuracy as 0.0027mm Extreme Value 62."  Other calibrations it has said, "Results accuracy as 0.0027mm Extreme Value 51."  So the calibration is not a hard and fast reset to specific levels, but rather a refining of the machine to a better state.
  6. Click the checkmark button to exit the calibration.
Take care, and God bless.
Javier Odom - Walt's Jewelers
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